Publications BLD

Publications BLD: Les Débrouillards and much more!

Publications BLD was created in 1994 when Bayard Canada joined Agence Science-Presse and Réseau Technoscience, the founding organizations of Les Débrouillards educational movement. The company coordinates all of Les Débrouillards’ media activities (magazines, books, websites and social networks, TV series, columns, etc.).

Created in Quebec, Les Débrouillards movement is present in several countries, including France, Belgium, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.

Publications BLD publishes three monthly science education magazines: Les Explorateurs (6-10 years), Les Débrouillards (9-14 years), Curium (14-18 years), as well as the special editions Sport Débrouillards, DébrouillArts, Explotechno and Explomonde. These magazines reach more than 370,000 young people, parents and teachers. Moreover, much of the content of the magazines is published in book form by various publishers.

Publications BLD also develops educational tools based on the content of its magazines, participates in various television projects and runs three scientific information websites.

Visit the Les Explorateurs website (6-10 years)
Visit the Les Débrouillards website (9-14 years)
Visit the Curium website (14-18 years)